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- [PDF] Microsoft Windows 10 – Quick Guide free tutorial for Beginners


This gives you a fresh, empty desktop onto which you can open a window or Fig 2 Select a desktop thumbnail and drag an app without the clutter and overlap from other apps. Apps can the apps to another one to move it be dragged from one desktop to another to gain more screen space.

This feature means that if your computer has a compatible camera, it can recognise your face and log you in. Alternatively, if your computer has a ingerprint reader, it can be unlocked by swiping a digit over it. What could be simpler than looking at your computer? First you need to see whether Windows Hello is supported on your computer.

If there is no suitable camera or ingerprint scanner, you will not see a Windows Hello option. Click up before Windows Hello is ready. If you have the Accounts category and a list of categories is not already done so, click the button and set a displayed on the left memorable, complex PIN code, like Sign-in options Set up for fingerprints Add a fingerprint Select Sign-in options on the left in Accounts.

This PC has a fingerprint reader and it can The fingerprint reader on this PC is a small Whenever you change anything to do with be used by Windows Hello to unlock it black bar that you swipe your finger over. It is easier than ever to rearrange multiple windows on the desktop so that you can see them all without them overlapping.

Snap enables apps and windows to be dragged to the left or right side of the screen and dropped. They are automatically re-sized to ill half of the screen. If you want the app on the other side, just hold down the Windows key and press the left or right arrow key. Use Windows plus the up or down arrow to ill the top or bottom half of the screen. Repeat with another window. Click the System Snap is turned on or off with this switch. Not Most apps can be snapped to the edges of category and then select the Multi- tasking everyone likes this feature and it is possible to the screen, but not all of them can.

Turning section to access the settings for the Snap accidentally snap apps and windows when this switch on shows the apps that can be feature. Turn on all the switches moving them. You can work with two, three or as many apps as you need. When lots of app windows are open, switching from one to another is not easy because they overlap and become buried under one another.

There are three ways to switch apps and one obvious method is to go to the task bar and let the mouse hover over an icon to display the thumbnail. If it is the right one, then click the icon or thumbnail to bring the app to the front. The options in the tool bar reflect the toolbar available tasks Find handy shortcuts for common actions While using Windows 10 you may ind yourself performing certain actions on a regular basis, such as saving, printing and using Undo.

Windows 10 includes a Quick Access tool bar that puts these tools in one handy location. Click on each icon to perform its action. The tools that are available can be customised by clicking on the arrow on the right-hand end of the row of icons. Tools can then be added or removed by tagging them from the selection that is available Fig 2.

You can also set the tool bar to appear below the tools that are available. Tag or un-tag them as required the ribbon to make it more prominent within your workspace. It can also give you an idea of how your computer is working or assist with closing down a program that has stopped responding.

If your computer is online, the Task Manager can also display the network status and track how fast the data throughput is. If you use Windows 10 apps, then the task manager can track individual programs and the length of time used along with how data has been transferred. To access the Task Manager, right-click on the taskbar at the bottom and select it from the menu.

Processes Start-up Tabbed sections When a program is not responding, you can close When booting up Windows, it automatically The Task Manager is split up into it down from the Processes tab. Right-click on the loads some programs so they are ready to use various sections separated by tabs; program and select End Task from the menu straight away.

You can also adjust Monitor links at the bottom of the window. Accessing it is done by either left- or right-clicking on the lag and selecting Open Action Centre. If Action Centre locates an issue, a notiication will appear in the task bar; clicking it will also open Action Centre. Problems will have a colour code within the Action Centre: sections marked yellow indicate an issue that requires attention; areas marked in red represent a problem that needs ixing.

Windows Update Access Control Panel Security and Maintenance Microsoft releases regular updates for Windows Being a more technical aspect of Windows, Action Centre is split into two main sections that can fix problems or increase security. They the Action Centre also provides a link to the titled Security and Maintenance.

Click the may also fix a problem. This link will take you Control Panel. Windows Firewall is included when you install Windows You can install an alternative should you wish, but it is recommended to only have one irewall running at a time otherwise conlicts may arise. With it activated, Windows will notify you when spyware or other unwanted software attempts to install itself on your PC.

By default, it will keep itself updated with the latest deinitions Fig 1. Windows Defender ofers real-time protection, but you can request a scan via the buttons on the far right Fig 2.

There are also tabs that take you to each section of the program. Should you ever install an alternative anti-spyware Fig 2 In the Settings section you can scan program, Windows Defender will automatically deactivate itself in any external drives and even toggle real- time protection order to prevent clashes and system issues. With it you can set out the partitions of your hard drive to it your own needs. Partitions are separate sections of your hard drive which will appear as separately labelled drives within Windows Some users like to install Windows on one partition but keep their documents and iles on a separate partition.

To open Disk Management, right-click on the Windows icon in the lower left corner and select it from the menu, there are multiple other ways to open it, but this is arguably the quickest way. Once opened, the program will show you a diagram of your hard drive. You can right-click any needs. As clash with any external drives that may be Properties window for the highlighted drive. Here with the upper section you can right- connected in the future.

If you are not sure then check the amount of space that is Change the way it works to suit you better used and free using File Explorer. Configure OneDrive Check usage and tweak the settings of OneDrive Recover lost space Use File History If you have a very large disk drive with lots of free space for your Back up your files so you will never lose them photos, music, videos and apps, then you are lucky.

Many people Reset the PC struggle for disk space and if you have an old computer that has Solve problems by resetting Windows to defaults been upgraded to Windows 10 you might ind that there is little disk space left. Both new and old PCs can struggle to ind space for all your apps and media iles. So what is the solution? With an extra few gigabytes you can add more photos, music, Advanced documents and apps. Windows provides the means to scan the mouse settings disk for unnecessary iles, junk and temporary iles as well as ones that are no longer needed.

Right-click a drive in Explorer and select Properties, then use the Disk Clean-up button. Conigure mouse settings The mouse may not be 1 Double-click speed Open the something that you have Control Panel and click Mouse.

Click Start and then Settings. On the right is an option to set the primary mouse button to left or right. Left handed people might ind it more convenient to click with the right button because it is their 2 Pick a pointer Select the index inger.

Pointers tab and choose the style from the Scheme list. Customise the touchpad If you use a laptop computer, it will have a touchpad or trackpad.

There may be left and right buttons below it, or the touchpad itself may be used as a button for clicking. Sometimes the bottom right corner is use to right click. It is also possible to tap with one inger for a left click or two ingers for a right click. Look for Trackpad, Touchpad, or something similar to options tab and set trails too. The options may vary, so choose what suits you. Find the trackpad settings in the Control Panel for various tap, drag and swipe actions 4 Spin the wheel Set the number of lines to scroll when spinning or tilting the mouse wheel.

Explorer has a search box in the top right corner and it is useful for inding iles on the disk. Click in the box, type a word to identify the ile and hit Enter. Explorer scans the disk and displays the search results.

If you know what is in the ile, such as a document, you can search within iles for words and phrases. Select the View tab in Explorer, click the Options button and Fig 3 Select the option search for file contents to improve the search results then Change folder and search options.

Choose what Use File History do to with iles on drives and cards. There is an option to Always search ile names and contents. Tick the box. Searches take longer, but are more thorough.

Tick the box if you need to search within zips. Conigure OneDrive OneDrive provides free online storage for your iles and it is particularly useful for storing backups of iles and photos, and for sharing iles across two or more computers.

There are some coniguration options that can be used to change the way it works. Click the little up arrow at the right side of the taskbar to 2 Turn it on File History saves see a status report. It shows whether the OneDrive folder on the backups of files to an external computer is synced with OneDrive online. Right-click the icon and a disk for security. Click Turn on. Select Manage Storage to open a web browser window that shows how much space you have and how much is free.

Select Settings on the menu and a small window opens with several tabs containing coniguration settings. These enable you to set performance options, choose whether OneDrive starts with Windows and other options. Advanced Settings and choose to see your online space usage.

Save files to the PC or OneDrive. Click the disk and then apps. Recover from faults Problems are rare, but if you are really unlucky then a serious one might require the PC to be reset. This solves many problems and it 1 Location, location Some apps can work out your location. Use gets the PC working again. This removes apps and settings, and refreshes Windows with the default settings, but it keeps your iles in the Documents, Pictures, Videos and Music folders.

You will not lose any iles, so this is a safe option to try. Use these switches to prevent unwanted fresh copy of Windows, but you must copy your iles to an external apps from accessing the webcam. Back up your iles irst. Increase your privacy There are many privacy settings in Windows 10 and in fact, there are more than in previous versions of the operating system.

This 3 Too familiar Cortana gets to know your voice and writing. Increase Wi-Fi privacy Stop it if you prefer. An example is the Privacy options when using Wi-Fi networks. Fig 4 Choose how much diagnostic and Use the switch to make your PC discoverable by others or to hide usage data Microsoft receives.

Basic is the minimum setting it. The idea is that you can share stuf at home, but hide a laptop when using a public Wi-Fi hotspot. There are options to share network login details with your friends and contacts. It is your choice.

Camera and microphone Speech and typing Your ad ID Website access The Camera and Microphone sections Your speech, typing and writing An ID code is assigned to you Websites can access information show what apps can access these can be analysed to provide better so advertisers can track you. This setting prevents components. You can open files, run applications and access OneDrive content.

It is still there and it contains many configuration settings for Windows. Windows Store A few apps are bundled with Windows 10, but there are thousands more in the Store Fig 2 and many are free.

Buy movies, TV shows and music too. Edge Internet Explorer is still available for web browsing, but Windows 10 has a better, faster, more powerful browser called Edge Fig 3. Use it to access the web. Cortana Cortana Fig 4 is a personal digital assistant. Speak to Cortana Fig 3 Edge is the new web browser in Windows and it understands what you say and carries out actions and results of searches.

Mail Mail is an email app that can be used with accounts over at Outlook. It has a great interface and is touch-enabled. Skype Whether you want to send an instant message to someone, place a voice or video call, Skype is perfect. Skype to Skype calls are free of charge. It has more features than any rival word processor and is brilliant for home or work. Microsoft Excel Excel is a powerful spreadsheet application that is most commonly used for work, but students and home users will also find lots of uses for it too.

Create impressive slideshows with text, images, videos and animations. Everything is synced with a folder on the disk and files are accessed using File Explorer.

Calendar Calendar is the place to store upcoming appointments, meetings, holidays and anything else you need to schedule. It reminds you of upcoming events. Photos Transfer photos from a digital camera or mobile phone and browse them, organise them and view them with the Photos app Fig 6. Groove Music Sign up for a music pass and Groove Fig 7 can be used to play millions of tracks from top artists.

It can also be used to play your own music. It can also be used to browse and view your own videos. The Xbox App Keen games players will find this app useful for keeping up with their Xbox buddies Fig Keep in touch with the Xbox Live community and games. News The News app brings you the top news stories and headlines as they happen. It covers both local news events and stories from around the world.

Browse your files View and explore your hard drive contents The main section displays the contents of your folders while the Manage your content others help you navigate your way around the contents of your PC.

Move or copy files to other locations Search your hard drive Use the search tool bar to find files Browse iles and folders Create new folders The main function of File Explorer is to browse, open and manage Arrange your files as you see fit the iles stored on your hard drive Fig 1. Across the top of the Preview your files View a preview before opening a file Explorer window is the ribbon; click on the Home tab to access Compress larger files tools such as moving, copying, renaming and deleting iles.

These Save space by zipping files functions can also be accessed by right-clicking on a ile or folder and selecting from the menu that appears. Just below the ribbon is the address bar; this indicates the location on your hard drive that is currently being viewed within the main window. Depending on your settings you may also have a navigation pane running down the left side of the window Fig 2. This can be used a way of quickly jumping between your libraries and favourite folders.

This can show images and documents that you have created. Manage your files Search for iles Windows 10 includes a very useful search function that is just the thing for tracking down iles. You will ind it towards the top-right area of the File Explorer window. Simply start typing in the box and any matching results 1 Create folder Right-click and will appear in the main ile window. If you click within the search New Folder from the ribbon.

Use this to search every location. File management Your hard drive is essentially made up of iles which reside within folders. Folders are a way of keeping everything organised on your hard drive.

When arranging iles yourself, you can also create your own folders and name them as you see it. You can move and copy iles around your hard drive to arrange them into your folders. Copying a ile is similar, but the outcome is that a duplicate version of the ile 3 Select location Click a location is created in another location while the original ile remains where from the list, or Choose Location it was. It can also arrange them into orders that go beyond alphabetical sorting.

Starting with the visual aspect, your iles can be shown in a list, as tiled icons or thumbnail images. These views can be chosen by clicking the View tab at the top of window, followed by clicking an entry from the selection underneath. There is also a Detail view that shows your iles in a table along with detailed information such as ile size, date modiied etc. When in Detail view, you can decide what details are visible by right-clicking on the column titles at the Fig 3 With the Detail option you can view top of the display Fig 3.

Windows 10 also has a handy Group By option that can bunch 1 Select files Hold down Ctrl and together iles based on a certain measurement; for example, you click on the files you wish to add can batch photos together based on what day they were taken. Virtual ile libraries Libraries are collections of certain kinds of iles based on a theme. By default these types include pictures, music, videos and documents. Strangely they are initially hidden in Windows Drag your mouse followed by Navigation Pane in the top-left corner.

You can edit an existing folder by right-clicking an existing library and select Properties. You can then add and remove folders from the selected library.

Below this are options to set the library icon and to optimise the library for a speciic ile type. You new library and select Properties. Use the Add button to add folders. Rename it as required. The options here will afect how Windows looks and Control power options works. By taking time to learn them you can tweak your setup into Decide how and when Windows powers down working how you want it to. Schedule tasks Create tasks that run at a designated time Launching Control Panel Choose display setup Determine how Windows 10 looks and feels There is more than one way to launch Control Panel and also more Protect your system than one way to view it.

Using your mouse, you can move your pointer to the upper Select input devices Set up voice recognition or an or lower corner of the right-hand side of the display. From here, on-screen keyboard drag the pointer up or down to make the Charms bar appear. Select Settings followed by Control Panel. Alternatively, drag your mouse to the bottom left of the screen and right-click on the Windows icon. You can then select Control Panel from the menu that appears. By default they are summarised by category Fig 1.

You can choose to have either large Fig 2 or small icons displayed next to the tools that are at your disposal. Create a restore point Device Manager The Device Manager is where you can view and maintain all of the internal and external devices that connect to your computer. From here you can update drivers, disable or 1 Search for System Restore un-install devices.

Right- Control Panel search box. If a device is not installed correctly it will be highlighted with a yellow icon. With a desktop setup you may want your computer to sleep or shut down 2 Initiate System Restore Select after a certain amount of inactivity. Such setups can be created by customising a Power Plan. Windows will now display the current plan that is in efect.

You can also select an alternative plan and Windows will apply it immediately. You can always reset Power Plans back to default settings if you make unwanted changes 4 Restore point created Now sit back as Windows creates your system restore point.

With this you can create automated tasks that come into efect at a time chosen by yourself. Perhaps you want to create your own regular maintenance cycle or have a daily blank word document open up as a prompt to write a new blog post.

You can also created tasks and edit tasks. You can adjust the scheduled timings. Note use the Create Task option them as required. In the next window you can enter a name and description of the task Fig 3.

After this you can set how 1 Open defaults Select Default often the task occurs. Options include time-based measurements or Programs in the Control Panel event-based triggers such as when you log in. Ease of access Windows includes a number of settings that help make your PC easier to use should you have diiculty with the standard setup. These can be found by opening the Ease of Access centre from within the Control Panel.

Another tool that can also help visually is the magniier. Select this and the display will enlarge along with zoom controls that allow you to manipulate the display.

There is also a high contrast option which can greatly alter the colour scheme into a more readable palette. The best part is that our list of computer courses is growing every day.

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In , a whole bunch of improvements was delivered to users via the Windows update packages, the most recent of which is the version. Below is a brief quick guide to the Windows 10 updates in First and foremost, now Windows 10 gives the user much more control over the system updates.

According to the renewed user guides, you can continue relying on the previous Windows 10 version until Microsoft discontinues its security support, which typically happens 18 months after release. The best course and tutorial, and how to learn and use Microsoft Windows 10 — Quick Guide. Free online tutorial Microsoft Windows 10 — Quick Guide. Computer PDF guide you and allow you to save on your studies.

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