- FIFA 12 - Free Download PC Game (Full Version)

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Download this archive and extract file anywhere on your PC : Download here: click here 2. Run extracted file and add information to registry 3. Go to game folder or installation folder ,Right click to that folder ,"Grant Admin Full Control" ,wait until is done ,install game or play game. With this method you take Administrator Rights for that folder and all included files. For the first time in several years the game"s presentation and front end has been redesigned with the familiar vertical menus being replaced by a side-scrolling menu bar system and the new Impact engine.

CozMyN Member Posts: 6. Can you please upload, for example, the installer in deposit files, and the patch in another site, uploaded or whatever. Zimmer Member Posts: 2. I download fifa12 and i have W10, when i start fifa12, the menu runs me perfecr but when i start in career mode thr game runs me whit lag and the public in the grandstands didnt appear.

How can i fix it? Please help me. Quote from: msghasan on 08 Dec , And, of course, its made dribblers like Messi, Ronaldo and the others that much more valuable; something that was missing in the previous iterations. Is it worth getting, like ASAP? I still play 11 because the online activity is high, and because there aren't too many people playing 12 online right now.

I got five games in all out of like 20 tries. Not very impressive. But then, the game's just released and it should be a week before it gets really intense. I based the first part of my review off of basically the demo that was released on the 13th. Upon playing the full game I noticed there wasn't any difference in gameplay. Graphics are slightly improved over 11, and so are animations. If you really want to see the differences though, you'll need to have the settings at High and MSAA at 4x, and you'll need a good graphic card for that anyway.

Players do look a little more real now and akin to their real life counterparts. Difficulty Levels - One thing I noticed about the game was the vast contrast between difficulty levels.

Professional mode isn't that big a challenge either. Legendary is out of the equation. Okay, that's probably just me getting accustomed to the new Defending system, and the fact that the CPU seems to know exactly where and when to cut me off.

Its gonna take a while. Virtual Pro is kind of fun too as you strive to make your player achieve goals and become a better player, and its certainly fun to play using him in both online and offline games. Once you've set him up, its as easy to play offline as to go to be-a-pro and choose your favorite team. He'll already be in the first line up. Playing online basically consists of waiting for an opponent, then choosing your team, then choosing your position.

That's all there is to it. Upgrading your player is as simple as achieving set goals, like completing a certain number of passes, scoring goals in different ways, attempting skill moves, creating goals, tackling, etc.

The more achievements you make, you unlock accessories for you Pro, such as boots, Kit styles, etc. You can also give him attributes such as Long-throw expert, Dribbler, Early Crosser, etc. Its a refreshing take on the game and gives it huge replay-value. The best part is, you can change your Pro's position, appearance, special traits, etc.

I personally would have given this game 4. FIFA 12 brings a lot to the table to satisfy die-hard fanatics as well as new gamers. The presentations are slick and great to look at, as always. The main-menu background is especially worth noticing as you navigate between menus. Leave you to discover that! Navigation is easy, easy to find what you're looking for. Licensing goes wild as you have almost every recognized club in real life is in the game. I'm personally going to be unemployable for the next few months.

If you're waiting to buy this game, I don't know why you are and never will I understand you either. If you're a fan of the Beautiful Game, this is your love song for the next 12 months or so, believe me! Its as good as the hype surrounding it! Don't hesitate. FIFA 12 is the way to go.

Top critical review. First of all, it has lots of lag and stuttering. You have to go through so much pain to find out the right setting.

Still, after playing it for an hour I get a headache! Second, it is not a fun game to play. There are several reasons for it but I only mention two of them as an example. One is that the intelligence of players is of the order of a cabbage. I understand that some people like to have the non-assisted passing but if a semi-pro like me chose to have the assisted passing then the IA should be able to pass to the right player, not straight to my opponent.

It is so so so frustrating. Let me ask the makers of the game this question: How many times in a real game do you see a professional player in real madrid pass the ball right into his opponent standing in front of him? Do you ever watch football? The point is that, even if I am stupid and I cannot hold the sticker exactly to the direction I mean, the IA should be able to recognize this fact and not hand the ball over like a retarded person.

Finally, for some reason that I have not figured out yet, scoring goals is not as exciting as it used to be! I wonder if anyone else has felt the same way. In general I believe that was a waste of my money and the company does not deserve it. There are so many reasons for this that I cannot mention all of them here. Before you start saying the usual things if you can't pass dont blame FIFA, blah, blah, blah just think about it a little bit. This thing never ever happens in real soccer unless when it is among monkeys and it should not happen in the game either.

That I held the "A" bottom for 10 miliseconds instead of 11 should not end in my goal keeper handing the ball to the opponent.

It is just stupid. So, maybe I am doing something wrong here and I would appreciate it if you notify me. When playing against computer almost all of the goals I receive is like this: The opponent has the ball.

I tackle. The ball hits him and he continues moving. I tackle again. The ball hits him and he continue. Is the freaking ball attached to his foot or something?

Completely unrealistic. I know this happens in reality but far far less than it happens in the game. This list can go for a while. I am very curious what people think about these. Sort by. Top reviews Most recent Top reviews. Filter by. All reviewers Verified purchase only All reviewers. All stars 5 star only 4 star only 3 star only 2 star only 1 star only All positive All critical All stars.

Text, image, video Image and video reviews only Text, image, video. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. From the United States. I've been a PC gamer since I could afford to build my own, but sports games just aren't enjoyable on PC. What's worse, EA doesn't even list the keys necessary for control during the game, they only provide Xbox controls so you have to guess.

Aside from not knowing which keys are which controls, using the keyboard feels wrong and clunky. I shelled out money for a for unrelated reasons and bought FIFA 12 for that. On PC I couldn't play more than 4 matches, but I've been playing for 12 hours straight on my console.

It was designed to be played on a console, and should only be played on a console. Unless of course you buy a gamepad for your PC, but I can't give a review on that. The game itself is one of the best I've played in a long time. Showing 0 comments. There was a problem loading comments right now. Pros: great, great features.

I have been waiting for this deal for ever and finally the price drop. I activate the game success fully at EA Origin client. My advise for people that have trouble with amazon downloader is buy the game at amazon and use the code and activate it on Origin or Steam and you can download as many time as you want. FiFa 12 is a great game still have do a lot with my fifa 12 profile.

Can't wait for FiFa 13 to be released so i can use my FiFa 12 account. Thanks Amazon for the greatest deals. Images in this review. One person found this helpful. Don't dare pause your download or bad things will happen. Fifa 12 is great fun, best game of the series. If you have a Xbox controller hooked up to your PC it makes it that much better. That said, don't dare pause any Amazon download before it's completed. It will corrupt, and you will have to re-download it. This has happened several times with several downloadable games purchased from Amazon.

Update: Download can now be done through the Origin client which works well. Also, have not had any recent issues with downloading digital content from Amazon, they seem to have overhauled and improved this area of their services.



- Fifa 12 pc download origin


Origin oritin an application for your PC or Mac. Orivin can use it to download, manage, and play your games from anywhere. You must /26278.php these requirements before downloading Origin and playing our games. Посмотреть еще game has spotydl download own requirements to play, px.

To find the minimum requirements for a specific game:. Use our article on downloading and playing games in Origin to get into the action. Double-check that your computer fifa 12 pc download origin the requirements. Then add Origin. Read more on how to update your Windows Security settings. You can also try troubleshooting your connection problems using our guide. If you hit an error in the fifa 12 pc download origin of your installation, you'll need to start over—but you'll also need to delete any files that made it through.

Origin is designed to keep itself up-to-date. If you have Origin running when a new update launches, it will not automatically update. Instead, exit out and restart it to begin the update.

Help us improve EA Help! Take Survey No, Читать. Friday, December 6, Oriign how fifa 12 pc download origin download and install Origin, update it, and make sure your computer meets the system requirements. Was this article helpful?


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